"People First Magazine", which has been reaching its readers at Yeşim since 1997 and was digitized during the pandemic process in 2020, acquired a new image in accordance with the corporate identity renewal efforts in 2023. "People First Magazine", whose content has been renewed and enriched with news based on the Group’s global product line, continues its publication life with two issues per year.
"Sustainable Future" E-Bulletin, the first issue of which was published in September 2021, conveys to its stakeholders the latest news about all the work carried out under the umbrella of the Yeşim Group in the name of “sustainability” and all the developments made in this direction. The "Sustainable Future" E-Bulletin, whose content and visuals have been renewed in line with Yeşim’s new corporate identity, reaches its readers by publishing two issues a year.
Yeşim, which was the first company in the apparel and textile sector to sign the United Nations Global Compact in 2006, has pledged to comply with the principles of international agreements on human rights, labor standards, and the environment. Yeşim has been reporting on its efforts towards social responsibility and social compliance since 2006 as part of this network, which is a completely voluntary organization, and was also among the first companies to switch to the new reporting system that changed in 2022.
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