An Inspiring Journey from Yeşim Kindergarten to the Theatre Stage
Award-winning theatre director Lerzan Pamir, who took her first steps in life by receiving education at Yeşim Kindergarten, came together with the employees at Yeşim Group's ‘Biz Bize Söyleşiler’ (Conversations Among Us) programme. Pamir shared the values that Yeşim Kindergarten, where she spent her childhood years, added to her life and her success story in the world of theatre. In the event, which took place within the framework of Yeşim Group's ‘We Succeed Together’ value, an inspiring conversation was held on the impact of teamwork on success and the importance of women's employment. Pamir also emphasised the contribution of Yeşim Kindergarten for female employees and explained how the years she spent in the kindergarten shaped her professional journey.
Pamir, who won many awards, including the ‘Haldun Dormen Special Award’ at the 25th Afife Theatre Awards with the 1923 Musical, which she directed last year, drew attention to the importance of solidarity and harmony by stating that theatre is a team art. Expressing her pride in the opportunities provided by Yeşim Kindergarten as the child of a working mother, Pamir told the participants at this special meeting about her path to success both in front of and behind the stage. Yeşim Kindergarten has been providing a safe environment for the children of employees for 36 years and continues to raise the successful individuals of the future.
Click here to review the press release regarding the news.